
OOfos, the revolutionary recovery footwear brand, was looking to try on a new box for their new OOmg shoes. Duncan Finnigan, the brand leader & marketing director, wanted the consumer to know that they were getting something special, just by opening the package. They also wanted some real estate to tell their OO story. Fuzion stepped up to the challenge! After much research and several iterations later, we came up with an award-winning structure, and graphic design. The front flap opened to expose two separate compartments (one for each shoe) that could fold back independently and expose a major billboard for OOfos to tell their technology story. Not only did they have ample space there, but the entire inside of the extensive flap offered even more space to talk about Project Pink, their passionate project to donate 3% of all online sales to the Dana Faber Breast Cancer Research Center.



Package Engineering

With our in-house package engineering we were able to explore multiple structures and quickly cut them out on our Konsberg cutting table. After determining which structure worked the best for our needs, we then applied different graphic executions to give our client multiple options to choose from.










Package Design

Here you see the same package structure with different graphic treatments and photography. Notice how each has entirely different feel. The brown craft paper generally gives it a green, organic feel, while black always feels more high-end, and white brings a fresh clean quality. Black and white photography adds an air of sophistication and can help elevate the brand look, while also allowing spot colors to pop and help call out important features and benefits.









Try on some Fuzion branding. It might just make you stand out from the crowd and keep you a step ahead of the competition.