
Name: Carlos Montes 

Position/title:  Design Intern


What do you enjoy most about working at Fuzion?

The environment is very professional, but at the the same time very homey. It’s a pleasure to come in and have a laugh with everybody while also completing work.


Before working at Fuzion, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

Working at a carnival lol


If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?

A lifeguard at the Olympics.


What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

Something I’m fond of that I’ve accomplished is being able to be an active member of my school and community. I do varsity sports (swim and volleyball), am part of DECA, enrolled in advanced placement classes, and am an active member of my church band.


What is the one thing you can’t live without?



What’s your most memorable facepalm moment?

When I went to shake somebodies hand and they grabbed my wrist.


When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?

When my friend in chemistry class asked a really dumb question, so me and all my friends started dying.


What do you do when you’re not at work? Tell us about any activities or hobbies you enjoy.

I play piano for my church, I condition myself for sports at the gym, and I play osu!


You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?

I’d be “cash money” green.


What is your motto or personal mantra?

Take the opportunity once it’s there.