Since 2002, Real Kids Shades has built their brand making premium quality, affordable, 100% UV protective sunglasses designed specifically for kids from ages 0-12. Fuzion was challenged to help refresh their brand to better communicate their brand messaging and stand out in the competitive niche market. Collaborating with the Real Kids Shades team, Fuzion helped build two unique brands. Their core line, shortened to “Real Kids” targeted high-end specialty stores, with a look and feel that spoke to the premium quality of the products. We crafted messaging to convey to parents that Real Kids sunglasses were a necessity to help protect their children’s eyes. The secondary brand we developed and named, “Uveez” was designed to be in big-box stores such as CVS and Babies “R” Us. Along with the playful name, Uveez carried out a fun, energetic visual. Each brand was carried out onto various packaging solutions, marketing materials, a website and show booth layouts.